Business Basics - Half Day
One to One 


A Half Day One to One Session can be so Beneficial to your Business

We can spend 3 hours together working on your business, I know what it feels like to work solo and not have that other person to bounce ideas off or give you that push to launch or take the next step.

Maybe you are having issues with products and just can't seem to get the formula right, we can work through this, we can use the time for practical work.

We can work on strategy and marketing, plan your next 12 months

We can really tailor the session to your requirements

9.30am to 12.30pm
1.30pm to 4.30pm

Held at a venue in Derbyshire

Beverly Jeffreys

 "This was one of the best candle workshops I've attended. Jane was extremely  accommodating  and knowledgeable on everything and items relating to candle making. She clarified my ideas of branding and importance of correct formulas."

Rebecca Jauncey

 "I loved the day, thoroughly enjoyed it. I like the fact it's one to one and you have Jane to guide you. Her knowledge and expertise are amazing. The fact it's interactive with the scents and practical element really brings it to life and enjoyable. Very informative and the legal elements are interesting and important. Great day had by me. I would highly recommend " 

Rachel Mellor

 "Thoroughly enjoyed my training with Jane. Learnt everything I hoped for and lot's more! Jane was very patient and explained things well and made sure I understood what we were doing before moving on. fabulous!." 

Half Day - One to One


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Half Day - One to One



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